Robots being tested / having fun
Moebius takes out some targets Pipedream's first spin test

Voltronic and Backlash beat up on a wooden pallet Toro Tosses some stuff around

Backlash demolishes a wooden pallet
T-Minus and Locust spar a bit

Nightmare first weapon test, 1999

Backlash tosses a metal bucket to record heights

Nightmare's first safety inspection, 1999 BattleBots Backlash first weapon test, 2000

Underground Robot Street Fight Backlash first weapon test, 2000

Old Glory Robot Insurance-
Saturday Night Live
Backlash first weapon test, 2000
Ginsu testing, Underground Street Fight 1999 Backlash first weapon test, 2000
Hercules 98 testing, 1998 Backlash speed test, 2000
Hercules 98 testing: somersault, 1998 Junior testing, 1998
Junior testing, 1998 Hercules 98 testing: ride test