VEX-228-3167 VEX IQ Magnetic Beam Pair <p><font color="00ff66" size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">VEX IQ 1x4 Beams with magnets attached at one end. Use Magnetic Beams to teach students how magnets work by comparing how they interact with ferrous metals (or other Magnetic Beams) vs non-magnetic items. Attach them to VEX IQ robots to create new object manipulation tools.</font></p>
<p><font color="#cccccc" size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Features</font><font color="00ff66" size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><br />
Contains one North and one South Pole<br />
Responds to any ferrous metal or standard magnet<br />
Color-coded for easy sorting</font></p>

VEX IQ Magnetic Beam Pair
Use Magnetic Beams to teach students how magnets work by comparing how they interact with ferrous metals (or other Magnetic Beams) vs non-magnetic items.

Robot MarketPlace - VEX IQ Magnetic Beam Pair

Robot Kits
    Vex IQ

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VEX IQ Magnetic Beam Pair
Part# VEX-228-3167

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