PLEO-1 Pleo Dinosaur - Ugobe <p><font color="00ff66" size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">More than just a toy, this intelligent robot is simply amazing. Pleo begins life as a newly-hatched baby Camarasaurus, and from the
moment he starts moving his individuality begins. Pleo doesn't simply do what
he is told; he also develops his own unique personality, moods, and habits
that are shaped by the time and experiences he shares with you. Like any creature,
Pleo feels hunger and fatigue- offset by powerful urges to explore and be
nurtured. He'll graze, nap, and toddle about on his own- when he feels like
it! Pleo can change his mind and his mood, just as you do. The Pleo can go
from happy and curious to scared and surprised, and from playful and lively
to sad and vexed, depending on a wealth of influences. From hatchling through
infant, and all the way through his juvenile stages, Pleo will grow up and
change in personality and understanding.</font></p>
<p><font color="00ff66" size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">The Pleo displays an endless combination of gestures and vocalizations based
on influences that are interpreted by Ugobe's Life OS platform of tools, technologies
and AI (artificial intelligence). Users can find training tips and download
enhancements to Pleo from <a href="">Pleoworld</a>, but his programming merely sets
his wheels in motion, leaving the true magic of his development up to you.</font></p>
<p><font color="00ff66" size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Pleo's sophisticated
sensory system consists of nearly 40 devices that enable him to see, sense,
touch and detect objects in order to move autonomously and explore his environment
without requiring any remote control. This robotic dinosaur includes a color
camera with a white-light sensor that allows him to detect bright light from
dark, see colors, detect motion, track a moving object, and perceive objects
in front of him. This unit also includes binaural microphones on the left
and right that give him stereophonic hearing, allowing him to detect sound
direction and loudness through both ears. An infrared receiver and transmitter
allows Pleo to identify, communicate and interact with one another, while
another infrared interruptor allows Pleo to detect when something is being
placed in his mouth. Meanwhile eight touch sensors on his chin, shoulder,
legs, back and head are triggered by touch and allow him to &quot;feel.&quot; What's
more, this dinosaur has a skin that is constructed of a custom-formulated,
soft thermoplastic material that's painted with an incredibly realistic and
lifelike coloration.</font></p>
<p><font color="00ff66" size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">The Pleo
Life Form also has over 100 custom-designed gears, and 14 motors for highly-articulated
movement. Each motor has a force feedback sensor that makes them sensitive
to forceful grabs at the dinosaur's legs, neck, tail and torso, causing him
to shut down during trauma to avoid internal damage. Pleo will actually react
to being hurt, perhaps exhibiting a limp, and can recover over time depending
on the level of nurturing you exhibit. Ground sensors allow Pleo to know
when a foot is on a solid surface or when he has been picked up, while tilt
and shake sensors allow him to know if he has fallen or is being held upside
down. The sensors will also wake him up after he has fallen &quot;asleep.&quot; Both
front and rear speakers even enable Pleo to communicate via cute honks and
hoots, as well as other fun and natural sounds.</font></p>

Pleo Dinosaur - Ugobe
The Pleo is an interactive robot dinosaur that will quickly grow to become one of the most fun and exciting members of your family. This amazing robotic marvel not only moves organically, explores its environment on its own, and interacts with you, but it also expresses emotions based on its life experiences.

More Videos
Pleo Rocks!:
Pleo at SAAG 2007:
Robot, Pet, or Both?:
Pleo Skit:
Ugobe CTO Interview:
Pleo in the Wild:
Pleo with Life OS 1.1 Update:
Robot MarketPlace - Pleo Dinosaur - Ugobe
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Robot Toys

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Pleo Dinosaur - Ugobe
Part# PLEO-1

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Retail: $349.99

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This Product Has Been Discontinued
Stock Status: Removed



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Reviews & Comments

More than just a toy, this intelligent robot is simply amazing. Pleo begins life as a newly-hatched baby Camarasaurus, and from the moment he starts moving his individuality begins. Pleo doesn't simply do what he is told; he also develops his own unique personality, moods, and habits that are shaped by the time and experiences he shares with you. Like any creature, Pleo feels hunger and fatigue- offset by powerful urges to explore and be nurtured. He'll graze, nap, and toddle about on his own- when he feels like it! Pleo can change his mind and his mood, just as you do. The Pleo can go from happy and curious to scared and surprised, and from playful and lively to sad and vexed, depending on a wealth of influences. From hatchling through infant, and all the way through his juvenile stages, Pleo will grow up and change in personality and understanding.

The Pleo displays an endless combination of gestures and vocalizations based on influences that are interpreted by Ugobe's Life OS platform of tools, technologies and AI (artificial intelligence). Users can find training tips and download enhancements to Pleo from Pleoworld, but his programming merely sets his wheels in motion, leaving the true magic of his development up to you.

Pleo's sophisticated sensory system consists of nearly 40 devices that enable him to see, sense, touch and detect objects in order to move autonomously and explore his environment without requiring any remote control. This robotic dinosaur includes a color camera with a white-light sensor that allows him to detect bright light from dark, see colors, detect motion, track a moving object, and perceive objects in front of him. This unit also includes binaural microphones on the left and right that give him stereophonic hearing, allowing him to detect sound direction and loudness through both ears. An infrared receiver and transmitter allows Pleo to identify, communicate and interact with one another, while another infrared interruptor allows Pleo to detect when something is being placed in his mouth. Meanwhile eight touch sensors on his chin, shoulder, legs, back and head are triggered by touch and allow him to "feel." What's more, this dinosaur has a skin that is constructed of a custom-formulated, soft thermoplastic material that's painted with an incredibly realistic and lifelike coloration.

The Pleo Life Form also has over 100 custom-designed gears, and 14 motors for highly-articulated movement. Each motor has a force feedback sensor that makes them sensitive to forceful grabs at the dinosaur's legs, neck, tail and torso, causing him to shut down during trauma to avoid internal damage. Pleo will actually react to being hurt, perhaps exhibiting a limp, and can recover over time depending on the level of nurturing you exhibit. Ground sensors allow Pleo to know when a foot is on a solid surface or when he has been picked up, while tilt and shake sensors allow him to know if he has fallen or is being held upside down. The sensors will also wake him up after he has fallen "asleep." Both front and rear speakers even enable Pleo to communicate via cute honks and hoots, as well as other fun and natural sounds.

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