NPC-T74 NPC T74 Motor <p align="left"><font color="00ff66" size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">A longer, more powerful version of the <a href="NPC-T64.html">T64</a>, it is a little faster and a lot more torque. This motor is a great choice for drive systems of 200-300+ pound robots. 1.469&quot; diameter stub shaft with four mounting holes. The same size as the T64, but with 1" longer motor. </font></p>
<p align="left"><font color="00ff66" size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">24V (can be run at 36)<br>
Reversible, Permanent Magnet<br>
14.4 pounds<br>
245rpm / 20:1 gear ratio</font></p>
<img src = "">

NPC T74 Motor
A longer, more powerful version of the T64, it is a little faster and a lot more torque than the T64. This motor is a great choice for drive systems of a heavyweight or superheavyweight robot. 1.469" diameter stub shaft with four mounting holes.

Robot MarketPlace - NPC T74 Motor

    NPC Geared Motors

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NPC T74 Motor
Part# NPC-T74

Please see this product on the new Robot MarketPlace web site. Click here




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