KT-ROBOVIE Robovie-M V3 Humanoid Robot Kit <p><font color="ff0000" size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Note: This product come unassembled from the manufacturer. It can come assembled for an extra $300.00 fee. Please contact us if you wish to receive this product assembled. </font></p>
<p><font color="00ff66" size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Robovie-M V3 is currently the hottest Humanoid Robot on the market for true high-tech
robot fans. It is designed with a strong and well-balanced body, made up of
high powerful servos, a Hitachi H8/3687 20MHz microcontroller board, and comes
with 2 external gyro sensors, making it the hot-rod of modern robotics. This
robot also comes with an onboard accelerometer (tilt sensor) that detects when
the robot has fallen over, allowing him to stand up on his own after he has
fallen either forward or backward. The accelerometer also works with the gyros
to keep the robot balanced while in motion. Don't miss this opportunity to
build your own REAL personal robot and have him showing off in front of your
<p><font color="00ff66" size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Don't worry about the programs, the Robovie-M V3 comes with a set of well
over 70 predefined programs, making programming and configuration easy for
everyone. It can be also be programmed to the the users specifications, and
controllable via remote control or PC. </font></p>
<p><font color="00ff66" size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Amazingly, the Robovie-M V3 is even an ideal robot kit for beginners.</font></p>
<p><font color="00ff66" size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">The Robovie comes with its own award winning software interface that is so
intuitive even a novice to robotics can sit down and learn how to use it on
their own. Additionally, this robot comes complete with two English manuals
for both assembly and configuration.</font></p>
<p><font color="00ff66" size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Unlike other humanoid robots, the Robovie-M V3 is capable of throwing objects,
punching, somersaulting, doing handstands, running, side stepping, and playing
soccer! Also, if you are a battle robot enthusiasts, this is the robot you
are looking for. There are no other robots that can stand up to the Robovie-M
V3 in the soccer field, or in open combat.</font></p>
<p><font color="00ff66" size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">The Robovie-M V3 comes with English software, provided by the makers of the
original Robovie.<br>
The software is easily installable to a standard windows based PC, and can
be uploaded to the robot via serial connection (also provided).</font></p>
<p><font color="cccccc" size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Specs:</font>
<ul> <li><font color="00ff66" size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"> Height: 11.4in.
<li><font color="00ff66" size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Width: 9.4in.
<li><font color="00ff66" size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Depth: 2.6in.
<li><font color="00ff66" size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Weight: 4.2 lbs.
<li><font color="00ff66" size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Degrees
of Freedom: Legs- 12 (6 per leg); Arms- 8 (4 per arm); Waist- 1; Total- 22</font>
<li><font color="00ff66" size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Sensor Constitution: 22 joint angular sensors; 1 dual-axis acceleration sensor
<li><font color="00ff66" size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">CPU: H8/3687 20MHz</font>
<li><font color="00ff66" size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">External I/F: Serial Communication (RS-232C)

Soccer Game:

Software Screenshot:

Robovie-M V3 Humanoid Robot Kit
Robot of Choice for the RoboCup 2007!

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Forward Roll:
Side Roll:
Balancing on One Leg:
Getting up from Face Down:
Getting Up from Face Up:
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Robovie-M V3 Humanoid Robot Kit

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Note: This product come unassembled from the manufacturer. It can come assembled for an extra $300.00 fee. Please contact us if you wish to receive this product assembled.

Robovie-M V3 is currently the hottest Humanoid Robot on the market for true high-tech robot fans. It is designed with a strong and well-balanced body, made up of high powerful servos, a Hitachi H8/3687 20MHz microcontroller board, and comes with 2 external gyro sensors, making it the hot-rod of modern robotics. This robot also comes with an onboard accelerometer (tilt sensor) that detects when the robot has fallen over, allowing him to stand up on his own after he has fallen either forward or backward. The accelerometer also works with the gyros to keep the robot balanced while in motion. Don't miss this opportunity to build your own REAL personal robot and have him showing off in front of your friends.

Don't worry about the programs, the Robovie-M V3 comes with a set of well over 70 predefined programs, making programming and configuration easy for everyone. It can be also be programmed to the the users specifications, and controllable via remote control or PC.

Amazingly, the Robovie-M V3 is even an ideal robot kit for beginners.

The Robovie comes with its own award winning software interface that is so intuitive even a novice to robotics can sit down and learn how to use it on their own. Additionally, this robot comes complete with two English manuals for both assembly and configuration.

Unlike other humanoid robots, the Robovie-M V3 is capable of throwing objects, punching, somersaulting, doing handstands, running, side stepping, and playing soccer! Also, if you are a battle robot enthusiasts, this is the robot you are looking for. There are no other robots that can stand up to the Robovie-M V3 in the soccer field, or in open combat.

The Robovie-M V3 comes with English software, provided by the makers of the original Robovie.
The software is easily installable to a standard windows based PC, and can be uploaded to the robot via serial connection (also provided).


  • Height: 11.4in.
  • Width: 9.4in.
  • Depth: 2.6in.
  • Weight: 4.2 lbs.
  • Degrees of Freedom: Legs- 12 (6 per leg); Arms- 8 (4 per arm); Waist- 1; Total- 22
  • Sensor Constitution: 22 joint angular sensors; 1 dual-axis acceleration sensor
  • CPU: H8/3687 20MHz
  • External I/F: Serial Communication (RS-232C)