0-TAMX7115 Remote Control Forklift - Tamiya 70115 <p><font color="00ff66" size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Uses three motors to simulate the movements of a full sized forklift. Forward/reverse
movement, steering and lift operation can be
controlled by a 3-channel remote control box. The fork
is moved by the use of a threaded rod, giving the forklift the ability to lift
up to 100g. Assembly is simple, with a preformed plastic body and easy-to-assemble
gearbox. Black tires with high-grip tread pattern and a yellow and blue body
give it a realistic look.</font></p>

Remote Control Forklift - Tamiya 70115
Uses three motors to simulate the movements of a full sized forklift. Forward/reverse movement, steering and lift operation can be controlled by a 3-channel remote control box.

Robot MarketPlace - Remote Control Forklift - Tamiya 70115

Robot Kits-Educational
    Kits-Educational Remote Controlled

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Remote Control Forklift - Tamiya 70115
Part# 0-TAMX7115

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