0-RM2 RM2 Regular Motor 2 <p><font color="00ff66" size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">This 130 form-factor high-power motor fits in the GM2/3/8/9 series of gear motors, offering approximately 3 times the speed, twice the torque and quadruple the power-draw! Retrofitting the gear motor is easy - just remove the motor retainer strap, transfer the pinion gear, and reinstall - that's it!</font></p>
<p><font color="cccccc" size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Specs<br />
Performance at No Load</font><font color="00ff66" size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><br />
Speed: 2500 RPM<br />
Current: 0.065A<br />
<font color="cccccc">At Stall</font><br />
Torque: 13.8 g-cm<br />
Current: 0.22A<br />
<font color="cccccc">At Maximum Efficiency </font><br />
Efficiency: 22.5%<br />
Speed: 1620 RPM<br />
Torque: 4.9 g-cm<br />
Current: 0.12A<br />
Output: 0.081 Watts<br />
<font color="cccccc">At Maximum Output</font><br />
Speed: 1250 RPM<br />
Torque: 6.9 g-cm<br />
Current: 0.11A<br />
Output: 0.088 Watts</font></p>

RM2 Regular Motor 2
This 130 form-factor high-power motor fits in the GM2/3/8/9 series of gear motors, offering approximately 3 times the speed, twice the torque and quadruple the power-draw!

Robot MarketPlace - RM2 Regular Motor 2
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RM2 Regular Motor 2
Part# 0-RM2

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Reviews & Comments

This 130 form-factor high-power motor fits in the GM2/3/8/9 series of gear motors, offering approximately 3 times the speed, twice the torque and quadruple the power-draw! Retrofitting the gear motor is easy - just remove the motor retainer strap, transfer the pinion gear, and reinstall - that's it!

Performance at No Load

Speed: 2500 RPM
Current: 0.065A
At Stall
Torque: 13.8 g-cm
Current: 0.22A
At Maximum Efficiency
Efficiency: 22.5%
Speed: 1620 RPM
Torque: 4.9 g-cm
Current: 0.12A
Output: 0.081 Watts
At Maximum Output
Speed: 1250 RPM
Torque: 6.9 g-cm
Current: 0.11A
Output: 0.088 Watts

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