0-OWIX0608 OWI Solar Battery <p><font color="00ff66" size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">The Solar Battery is comprised of a number of photo voltaic cells. Each cell is made from a slab of semiconductor crystal. When light shines on the cell voltage is produced that can create an electrical current in a circuit. The greater the light intensity on the solar battery the greater is the current it can produce. </font></p>
<p><font color="00ff66" size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Designed for experimenters with limited experience in assembling mechanical kits.<br>
Safe, simple-to-use encapsulated mini-panel<br>
Comprised of a number of photo voltaic cells. Each cell is made from a slab of semiconductor crystal. When light shines on the cell voltage is produced that can create an electrical current in a circuit.<br>
3 cells in a sleek, low-profile protective housing with mounting holes, and Positive and Ground terminals with indicating symbols.<br>
Lead wires provided<br>
Compatible with many solar experiments</font></p>
<p><font color="00ff66" size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Size: 11cm x 6cm<br>
Output: 1.4V 350mA (Max)</font></p>

OWI Solar Battery
Solar cells convert the energy of the sun or artificial light into electric energy.

Robot MarketPlace - OWI Solar Battery

Robot Kits-Educational
    Solar Kits & Toys

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OWI Solar Battery
Part# 0-OWIX0608

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